As some of you guys may already know. I'm going to Melaka next monday for matriculation. It's true, I'm not shitting. I only hope that there's available access to the internet there. If not i'm totally dead. I have applied for UM but te results is out due June, so to be safe, it's better that I go to Melaka first in case I did not get UM. Here are some of the things that I will surely miss.
Luckily, there are some stuffs that I can bring to Melaka to make my life less miserable there. Such as...
But the most important thing that I'll miss is definitely my family and friends. I'm hoping that we will still keep in touch although I will be in Melaka. Since I'm a mama's boy, I'm really worried that I'll have to wash and iron my own clothes, just hoping there will be a laundry there at the hostel or dorm(whatever they call it these days). I can only come back once a month though. Damn. Melaka is just an hour away, depending how you drive. HAHA!! anyway, All The Best to you guys! and the last day of Langkawi post will be done by Voon Keong. So if there's anything lame blame him. Bye bye luxury and hello agony. Adios!
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