Day 1 of the trip began on the 13th of April. Afiq, Soo and VK were supposed to meet at the Pandan Jaya LRT Station around 7 a.m. But, as you all know, according to Malaysian timing, it registers in the brain as 7.15 a.m. So, poor VK had to wait for 15 minutes for the arrival of Afiq and Soo.
Few hours later...
Eng Hoe is sleeping peacefully until...... Luckily for Pang, Eng Hoe did not plan on getting his revenge, for the rest of the trip Pang was feeling paranoid whenever he goes to sleep.
At rest house. All attacking their food like piranhas.
No dogs! That means Pang can't enter.
Saw a lizard hiding around the grass.
Something for your eyes to enjoy! (Click to enlarge)
Note: next time, use a more attractive model for advertisements, especially in cosmetics.
Cap Keluarga. Nice name for a mineral water bottle.
On the way to the jetty.
Look at the clear blue sky....
After buying our ferry tickets, we still had time to spare. We went makan again. You guys have to understand, Eng Hoe was with us.
KFC! Eng Hoe ordered the dinner plate for tea break.
Fooling around after a meal.
After KFC, Pang began sneezing uncontrollably. Note his "wedding" ring.
Luckily the seats in the ferry were spacious enough for our beloved Eng Hoe. The ride was okay, not too rough and bumpy. The seas were calm. While waiting for the ferry to begin its journey, we took some pictures.
Afiq depicting Eng Hoe's face.
Eng Hoe acting cool.
FINALLY! After 9+ hours, we reached Langkawi.
What a pleasant sight!
Eng Hoe is already hungry.
While waiting for Soo to get the car, we decided to do a parody of Amazing Race. Take note, the main highlight of the videos is actually the purple pulley bag. Just take a look.
Take One .
Take Two .
Ending, still tak jadi.
Just want to show the slogan/phrases on Afiq's t-shirt. Changes everyday.
Our ride at Langkawi.
All posing.
Very happy, Soo driving and Eng Hoe had to sit in front (Obviously).
Eng Hoe booking his place.
Our shoes were all over the place.
YEAH!! Afiq immediately bought a pack of cigarrettes.
Afiq: HARAM!!!
Yeah Baby!! Happy hour!
Afiq ordering "nasi goreng ayam".
Soo's the one who started smoking.
Then, there was two.
Noob smokers.
Eng Hoe only ordered ais kosong and trying to restrain himself from eating Afiq's food. No-lar, just kidding. The plates in front of him were his orders.
Alma's brother.
Random shot.
Cowy and Micky.
VK PSP-ing. Pang's fault for bringing the PSP.
These soft toys started partying before us.
Afiq and Eng Hoe watching a Malay drama.
Soo is quite drunk.
Afiq's turn PSP-ing.
Look! A pig wearing glasses!
Eng Hoe hugging Soo. Soo's very excited.
After that, it's lights out but Afiq keep groping Eng Hoe, causing us a restless night. Eng Hoe was stressed out.
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