Day 2 began with a lazy morning. Kononnya, want to see sunrise but only Pang woke up around 6. The rest of us slept till 7.30. As usual, we have to take turns to bath. During that time, we randomly took pictures.
Eng Hoe had a restless night because of Afiq's groping. Soo still having a hangover.
Pagi-pagi main laptop. Laptop cacat.
Afiq's t-shirt for the day.
Boys' table. This is considered clean.
Prehistoric laptop.
Early morning threesome. In order to wake Eng Hoe up, we had to do this.
Soo waking Eng Hoe by doing an arm lock because he's still sleepy.
Pagi-pagi main PSP. Pang addicted already. Must check into rehab.
Finding breakfast.
Found one.
Eng Hoe acting cool.
Look at what is he wearing. It should be more like Taming the Hippo.
Still acting.
Afiq's turn. Skinnier version of Eng Hoe.
The PSP is now in Afiq's hands. It's a disease.
We still can't accept this. The hair... not Pang at all. He's turning into a pedo.
Afiq's omelette. RM3.50. WTF?!
Niama, Afiq. Stealing fries.
Caught in action.
Now it's Pang's turn.
Eng Hoe had to order another plate because... you understand-la! Frigging 11 bucks per plate of nuggets and fries.
Face of a retard.
Finally, Eng Hoe's tummy is stuffed and satisfied. It took him around RM20 just for breakfast.
Soo acting cool while waiting for Eng Hoe to finish his breakfast.
Still tak puas hati with his hair.
Buildings along the freeway.
Another building.
Guess what it is? Another building.
Cable car! (the very thin lines)
This is at Langkawi Geopark. no kidding, we were surprised just as you guys are.
Another nice building.
All we can do is took a couple of pictures T.T But the cable car is seriouly high, so lucky us.
Lotus, not bad.
This is the only picture we took at Langkawi that all 5 of us are in it.
Fishes swimming in formation, quite a sight.
All of those buidings are shops.
Walking around.
Pang pointing at a little kid.
Eng Hoe is happy because he can fit through it.
RM 3.50 KAMPAI!! blackcurrant and RM2.00 Carlsberg special brew (8.8% alcohol, very smooth)
Drunk a bit.
Eng Hoe acting cool. More like emo.
The top part of the waterfall.
Soo standing in front of the waterfall. It's pretty unique because the water flow is small. Usually, a waterfall is very extreme.
Afiq joins Soo.
Eng Hoe finding it hard to cross over.
Pang and VK posing.
Freestyle posing.

Squatting monkeys.
Couple? Look closely. Two fair maidens.
Kesian the fellow.
Group photo.
Soo decided to take off his shirt to show off some flesh, not muscles.
Then, it is Afiq's turn.
Followed by Pang, who claimed he worked out thrice a week at a gym.
Eng Hoe's recording.
Soo's helping Eng Hoe because he can't take it anymore.
Eng Hoe: NO!!! What did I do to deserve this?!!
This is only 10 metres.
Soo sprinting.
He took off his shirt again, sweating.
The 3 losers left behind.
Drunk, dizzy and a terrible hangover.
Muscle man.
The Beginning.
Desperate Measures.
Virus taking over!
Finally, we arrived. But, just at the beginning of the trail. Lazy to walk in to see the real thing.
Warning Sign in 4 languages, can't see the arabic verses at the bottom.
Danger! Hot man coming through (Just to make him happy)
Scenery #1
Scenery #2
Finally Eng Hoe, VK and Afiq arrived.
WHEE!!! *panting*
Background is awesome.
This kinda looked epic.
Telaga Tujuh is through there but we are lazy.
Waiting for our coconut.
Enormous monkey devouring coconut. Nothing goes untouched.
PSP is now with Afiq.
Alma's brother.
In the car, everyone took a short nap.
My fair maiden!
Do they look alike?
Don't know who took this pic.
Afiq had this. Guess what it is?
Just kidding. He's eating this.
All of us enjoying our food.
Soo eating thosai, his second dish.
Finally, finished!
This cat was nearby our table. Don't even care where it's sleeping.
Nice! Click to enlarge if can't see. If you don't get it, I don't know what to say.
Chibai Trading. Hahaha!
After replenishing ourselves.
VK's song.
This is what happens when you enter the gas station the other way round.
Still struggling with the pump.
Rock on! Baby!
Half-asleep. Oh, it's just VK eyes.
Look at the clear blue waters. Ignore the guy sitting there, blocking our shot.
Still clean.
Pang bought two of those huge Spritzer bottles.
Our stash.
Afiq's stash. Truly a devil.
Pang's ass.
Eng Hoe torturing Afiq.
From another camera.
Afiq's revenge!
Look at his boobs. If you can see, there's a birdie as well.
Touching up.
Pang likes to touch Soo's crotch.
Happily enjoying his torture.
Group picture. Look at Afiq's belly.
Eng Hoe is actually hiding his magnificent body behind Soo.
Soo breaking out.
Afiq's turn to be buried.
Soo having a fun time.
Horny face. Can't blame him, lots of hot whispering eye hanging around.
James Bond.
Close up. Oh, it's just Pang.
Cannot tahan already. In the end, we quit halfway.
Guess what we're looking at? The friggin PSP...
Asahi. Very smooth.
Soo trying to bite off the cap.
Pang also trying to whack off the cap. In the end, Eng Hoe used his teeth.
Resupplied our stash.
Heineken aka Hynie.
Guinness Foreign Extra, don't know what's the difference.
Hooch Apple. Everybody's favourite. Like fruit juice with a bitter aftertaste, mixed with alcohol.
All relaxing.
A movie on TV2.
Not drunk. It's just Afiq.
That damned PSP again.
Still watching the movie.
Soo's getting drunk anytime soon.
Party over. Feeding the trash can.
That's all for Day 2.
Afiq mentioned a RM1 nasi lemak stall somewhere but we were too lazy to find it. When everyone is ready, we went out for breakfast. But, instead of a RM1 nasi lemak stall, we ended up eating at a frigging expensive not-so-nice diner. All because Eng Hoe, who is too lazy to walk.
After that, we went for a cable car ride at Langkawi Geopark. Along the way, there's a lot of new buildings, different types of interesting designs.
Then, we arrived at Langkawi Geopark. We were bloody anxious for the cable car ride. But, unfortunately, on that day, it was closed. For emergency maintenance crap. _|_ To make it worse, the emergency maintenance will be done until tomorrow. So we came to Langkawi Geopark for nothing. Therefore, we can't ride the cable car along the Langkawi trip. Babi!
After that we walked around the compound, then we ask a really stupid question to the cleaners there. We asked where is the Geopark, then she replied 'Sini la!'. lol! All this time we thought that the Geopark supposed to be a forest but it is only like a garden.
We eventually buy some stuff at the zone, by stuff we mean boozes and smokes.
Drunk a bit.
After that, feeling depressed and all, we went to "Telaga Tujuh" to see what's there. When we arrived, we made a detour to the waterfall nearby before going further to "Telaga Tujuh". The waterfall was pretty amazing. To walk up there, we had to climb a frigging long flight of stairs. So it was worth the effort. When we arrived there, we saw a bunch of girls. Pretty ones, too. But, sadly they didn't go up. What to do, they are girls what. By this time, Voon Keong is already dizzy from the beer.
Eng Hoe's recording.
Soo's helping Eng Hoe because he can't take it anymore.
Now comes the real challenge. Further up to "Telaga 7". We had to climb 238 metres uphill from the waterfall. That's a definite bad sign for us. While climbing, Pang and Soo decided to quicken their pace and went up first. Afiq, VK and Eng Hoe were left behind. Afiq because he puffed too much. VK hangover. Eng Hoe, pandai-pandai la.
The three losers that were left behind decided to make a Blair Witch Project/Cloverfield parody.
The Beginning.
Desperate Measures.
Virus taking over!
After that we went down, it's a lot easier compared to going up. We then quenched our thirst with a RM3.50 coconut, but it is not that refreshing.
In the car, everyone took a short nap.
Later, we drove back to town Kuah for lunch. We ate at one of the few kopitiam. Here's what we had for lunch.
After replenishing ourselves.
VK's song.
Actually, Soo always made a mistake when refuelling at a gas station. He enters the place the other way. Gas station is one way but he entered it by the exit, causing problem when refuelling.
Afiq's turn to drive. Luckily, we survived. We went back around 1.30 p.m. Some were resting in the room while others went to the motel's CC for Internet. At 4.30 p.m. we went down to the beach. We swam around, played piggyback. Afiq pinched Eng Hoe's chest while underwater. We're having a blast except VK who stood in the water because he can't swim. Oops! forgot to mention that 14th April is Soo's birthday as well. Instead of traditional birthday bash, we buried him in sand, it took us 30 mins to buried him. Here are the pics, hitting him in the crotch.
After that we went back to the motel to get ourselves a good rest but instead we fooled around in the room. These are the videos of us fooling around.
Pang's ass.
Eng Hoe torturing Afiq.
From another camera.
Afiq's revenge!
Soo's birthday bash Langkawi version. Actually there are a few picstures of Eng Hoe's hot body, but he deleted them from all the cameras because he's scared will be mobbed by chicks if they ever saw his body.
We went back to our room and had a quick dinner. Later, was supper time and we drove around to find Lucky restaurant which is actually just a stone's throw away. So, there's no point driving. When we passed by the place, Soo shouted "Hot chicks! Hot chicks!". Then, Afiq replied "Ya, that's why we're stopping." Selamba only. After supper, we went back to our room and had a mini-party.
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